
Posted: March 22, 2012 in Miscellaneous

No blog today people, busy busy busy. Got a lot of work to do for tomorrow. Sorry about that. Thank you for reading my blog though and I will be back tomorrow for reviewing. Bye.


Posted: March 21, 2012 in Views
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There is a lot of twitter that goes on in our society to do with celebrities. People are obsessed with them. They want to know their love lives, their schedule, what they do in their spare time, what pants they wear and all the little pernickety details in their life. I have thought about it, and I have come to the conclusion that it is mostly bollocks. Who cares what they wear or where they go or who they are dating? It is just socially accepted stalking.

The fact some people make a living out of following them and taking pictures of them to sell to magazines is just mind-boggling. They can live off something that would be considered stalking in any other context. And the amount of money that celebrities get paid just to attend places or when they whore out the details of their private lives, such as their weddings. Depending on how famous they are celebrities can make from tens of thousand to a million quid for just one day. I think that weddings should be private, between the people marrying and whomever they invite. Selling that just makes it a publicity stunt, takes away the seriousness of it I think, just turns it into a money-making operation. And then they don’t last. Kim Kardashian married that basketball player last year. They must have made a lot of money from pimping out every aspect of their wedding and then they divorced 72 days later. It seems like companies waste tons of money for useless access for pointless things. And by pointless I mean irrelevant to the public. Let them get married but it should be private I think.

I do not understand the publics obsession with celebrities. They are just regular people who work. Their jobs are a bit more high-profile of course, but after that they should be able to live their own lives in private. I am not being hypocritical, I would like to point out. I am doing Journalism and I know some do hound celebrities, but unless they have done something deemed in the public interest, like a crime or something serious, then they can do whatever they like. I don’t like people who just intrude on celebrities lives just to try to make money. Some celebrities don’t want every aspect of their lives thrown into the spotlight shockingly. Things like award ceremonies are obviously the exception, taking picture and reporting on that is fine for some reason. I don’t know why I think it is fine. But following them around down the street and taking pictures of them buying a pizza or some alcohol is just taking it too far. And they magazines print shit like “Celebrity enjoys bingeing on pizza and alcohol, the unhealthy alcoholic has let themselves go” and blah blah blah. They are not paragons of goodness or the leaders of the new world, they are people too who like to relax in whatever way they choose.

That is obviously just my opinion. I don’t have any personal interest in what celebrities get up to in their spare time. If I see some celebrity in the street that I am a fan of then I will go say hi, compliment them and ask for an autograph. I would not then stalk them, taking pictures and crashing their intimate events to take picture to sell. I just don’t understand the celebrity obsession. Thank you for reading and I shall talk to you all tomorrow.


Posted: March 20, 2012 in Views

Apparently another bomb has gone off in Iraq and killed tons of people. This is now old news since it has happened about ten thousands of times before. I think that is a big problem. I do not understand why there always have to be war. Even more so, I do not understand why countries who are not directly involved in the confrontation get involved in it.

I wish that everything could be solved with diplomacy. Nobody wants there to be war anywhere, and yet for some reason countries start wars. For example, the Falklands War. That is a stupid excuse for a war. People just fighting and killing each other just over some argument over who owns some islands. So two countries are killing each others citizens over some land. People are losing families because of greed. How does that make sense? What point is there in having more territory if there is no one alive to occupy them? Yes, that is an overstatement since only one thousand people were killed in the Falklands but you get the point. It just seems that people want to fight over anything just for the hell of it.

I know that some people will argue that the ends justify the means. In some cases, the end result means that the lives of the citizens in the country or place that was fought over get better quality of life, or that they have a fairer government if a tyrant gets overthrown, but I do not understand why countless people must die just to take out one person, which seems to be the objective in many wars, such as World War II. I know there were other factors in the war, but one of the main ones was to kill Hitler. That war cost approximately sixty million people’s lives. If we take out the Holocaust victims, about six million, then fifty million people died to kill a man who killed six million. Those figures may be wrong, I did history about five or six years ago, but it is close enough. I know the man had to be stopped but that is just too much.

During that war someone took it too far. I know the countless casualties are bad enough, but one of the most disgusting travesties in history was the atomic bomb incident. Just to make Japan surrender atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Side note, why is it that most people only mention Hiroshima being bombed? It is odd. Anyway, the Allies completely leveled two cities, the surrounding areas and massacred a fuck load of innocent civilians because Japan did not surrender. And they villanies Hitler for killing innocents. They did the same thing in the same war. Before I get complaints, yes Hitler killed more and was worse I am just pointing out the hypocrisy.

There will always be war sadly. I wont pretend it can be magically fixed, but the thing that has too happen is to stop fighting over tiny insignificant things, like a debate over who owns what. There has to be peaceful ways to stop conflicts before they arrive, saving thousands of people’s lives. I am really anti-war as you can tell, and I know some are needed and unstoppable, but the world would be much better with less war. I think everyone can agree with this. Thank you.

Anti-Gay Laws

Posted: March 19, 2012 in Life, Views
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Something that caught my eye recently when I was wading through the internet, at least I think it was the internet may have been a newspaper, was Russia’s increasing criminalization of Homosexuality. Bear in mind that homosexuality was only decriminalised two decades ago and it is already “wrong” again. I do not understand this.

What is the big deal with homosexuality? It is clear what my stance on this is from my previous post, I am very much to the left side off all this discrimination shit. As long as people are happy it doesn’t matter what they are or how they feel. If somebody is gay it doesn’t really affect anyonelse does it? Lets take a famous gay person, Elton John. He is an extremely popular singer, selling over 250 million records, making him one of the most succesful singers of all times. So someone who is gay can become one of the most succesful singers of all time, and yet another gay person could be killed just for being who they are. That is fucked up. If it is not bad enough that there is a minority of people who discriminate against homosexuals now we have more countries saying it is illegal. So now being gay is as bad as murder or rape.

Shockingly, in Russia the church officials are amongst the more vocal of people trying to get the laws pushed through. This is the reason I hate religion with a passion. Now, I know that not every religious person hates gays and some can accept them and not be a complete tool, but it people like the ones trying to ban gays that need to change. It is unacceptable that some people believe that just because some people don’t believe what they believe or like what sex they like then they have the right to make it against the law. We will never live in a perfect world, there will always be people who hate gays and do not want them around, but making it illegal to be who you are? I really do not want to live in a world where people can be thrown in prison just because of what some people think is wrong, or because of what is written in a book that might not be real. I am a man of science, so I believe that it is evolution that brought us here. I am not sure if the Big Bang is how we are here, since how did that occur in a place of nothingness, but I really don’t believe it is a big bearded man in the sky making us all.  And I want to make it clear that I know that it is not just christians that are the reason that the law is being pushed through, but they are the most vocal anti-gay bashers. And again, I know it is not all the religious people who feel this way, and I know that everyone has their own views and I am not trying to make people conform to my views, but I am just saying how I think of things.

At least amongst all this crap in Russia that England may be legalizing gay marriage. A consultation is scheduled for this month some time if I recall correctly to see if it will be legalised, and let us hope that it is. Of course the Archbishops are “urging” the government not to do it so I just hope that the Prime Minister has the balls to stand up to them. It is a bit worrying wondering how the more christian places in England will react if the law gets passed since we do live in a big religious country, but it is also a free country more or less. So shouldn’t everyone be allowed to be happy and be who they are? You know, besides pedophiles, murders and so on, but they are way worse than homosexuality. Anyone who thinks that it is just as bad is incredibly messed up, in my opinion.

TV Review – Suits

Posted: March 18, 2012 in Moving Image
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Today the cat is still bugging me, but taken it a step further by apparently nesting under my neck annoyingly. Its claws hurt like a bitch in my neck. Annoying little cat. Anyway I degree. Today is the moving image review, which will be my favourite show,Suits.So without further ado, the review.

Concept 10/10

I enjoy this concept. A person with a photographic memory who takes people’s LSATS for them gets accidentally set-up by his friend for drug-dealing and gets a job as a lawyer when trying to evade the police. It is relatively new and fresh and it is extremely interesting. It is a humorous take on the daily challenges a lawyer has to face, with a few other story arcs going through the series which work quite well. The humour in the show is derived from the characters dialogue as opposed to any antics, so the show can still be fairly realistic in regards to lawyers jobs whilst being funny. I doubt you would ever find a law firm like this in the world but there is enough serious aspects in it to make it believable. So all in all, a pretty nice concept pulled off quite well.

Characters 10/10

The characters in this show are all fantastic. As I said before the show tries to be realistic for lawyers lifestyles, so the writers have to portray the lawyer stuff in their dialogue as well as the humour, and it works. There are two main characters in this show. Mike Ross is the one with the photographic memory who turns layer. He is a witty character as main characters should be, but the writers do a fantastic job writing him. They perfectly show his difficulty in excepting the moral ambiguity of the layer world since he wants to be the right thing as opposed to win at any cost, and they have him worrying that people will find out he did not pass law school. I like that because it is better than not having him mention it or just ignore it, it is what people do. The other main character is Harvey Specter, the city’s best closer. He is a lawyer who only cares about getting the job done at any cost, so is ruthless and ignores the emotion in the case. He is still a witty character due to well-earned confidence, and frequently comes to blows with one of the firms junior partner Louis Litt. He is the “antagonist” of the show in many ways, trying to outdo Harvey due to jealousy and using underhanded tactics whenever he can, however they can work together when needed. There are many characters and the way the show explores the relationships between them is just amazing. For the characters alone you much watch this.

Storyline 10/10

This score comes purely from the catatonic state the show puts me in whenever it is one. They are always such absorbing storylines. Obviously each show its own storyline. for example, the first episode dealing with Mikes arrival, episode five deals with Mikes drug dealing friend coming back into his life and Mikes struggle between his friend, his work and his friends ex-girlfriend whom he wants to date. The episode also has Harvey starting to show some emotion, picking between defending his driver from a lawsuit over following a deal that would be extremely lucrative to the company. Each episode has incredible engaging storylines, and there are the arcs that go one throughout the serious that are really interesting to follow. One of the arcs is one of the stock lines. It deals with Mike and a paralegal in the company, Rachels, blossoming romance and the roadbumps it has. It may be basic, but there is also the romance between Mike and his friends ex that happens as well, so it is interesting seeing what will happen. I just love the storylines, it is hard to explain why, you must watch it and you will be as engrossed as I am each week.

Overall 10/10

I did not want to give this show full marks, since it seems I am being bias since I love it. I am not people I promise. I tried to find bad points but I can not, this show is just simply amazing. I love it so much. The characters are fantastic, the storylines interesting, the dialogue is witty and engaging. This is just one of the best shows on TV, and it depresses me that it is over soon. Find it online, or watch the last three episodes on Dave, Tuesdays at 21:00. You won’t regret it, it is just immense. Thank you for reading people, back to the normal posts tomorrow. Goodbye.

Bad day for blogging. My sister went out to get shit faced so I got left with my nephew and the new cat, both of whom are attacking my laptop, so it is difficult to type this. But this is music review number two people. Blunt is my favourite artist, and I get mocked because of this. But I don’t care, I love him.

Over his past two albums, Back to Bedlam and All the lost Souls, his style has been sort of, as some people would say, depressing. I don’t know how I would count it. Emotive maybe? Whatever it is, Blunt seems to be trying to move one from this label. He still has songs of this style on the album, Best Laid Plans and No Tears come to mind fairly quickly. A fair few of his songs on the album however are more upbeat than his previous albums. for example, Stay the Night. This single was used to promote the album, and the music is more happy sounding, and the lyrics are more positive then before. The songs more upbeat are So Far Gone (too a point) and Turn Me On. I will be talking about the later one further on in this review.

The mix of styles in this album is quite good I feel. There is enough of his old sound for older fans to enjoy and other to link him too, but the experiments with the happier side of music works as well. Calling Out your Name is one of the tracks that relate more to his older work then the new genre, and it is quite a nice track. It reminds me quite a bit of Carry you Home, the subject is about a woman he seems to care about and wants to look after. The same old topic lines he is familiar with but it still makes a nice listen. One of the newer songs I’ll Be Your Man is again about women, but is from a more positive viewpoint. The music is generally more happy, more a kin to a pop sound then anything else. It is a strange thing from Blunt to do, being positive in his music, but I feel he pulls it off with some degree of success. Another song I feel is worthy to note would be Dangerous. This is an odd track. It is fairly catchy, and it combines his somewhat depressing stance of songs in his more upbeat music style. for example “I’ll be hanging on your heartache, Enough rope for my sake and losing everytime , I’ll be wrapped around your finger”. It is warning against the danger of love, but in a pop style sounds, almost bouncy, but defiantly a great song. I like the album myself. It is a bit weird to hear him be positive as I keep saying but it is nice.

I would not recommend it too a fair time buyer of Blunt however. If you are interested in purchasing one of his albums I would suggest you buy All the Lost Souls. It is his old style of songs, and has some fantastic track. Namely 1972, Same Mistake and Carry You Home” Just a great album altogether from a great artist.

Best Song – These are the Words

I liked this song quite a lot. It is one of the songs from his old set of songs, about him and his childhood sweetheart and the pain that he had when they broke up. Lines like “I’ve given till I’ve given up, One more casualty of easy love” and more importantly “These are the words that I wish I’d said to you when you were standing there next to me” makes this song brilliant. It is a beautiful song with some intense lyrics, but the best thing about this song is that it is incredibly relatable by pretty much everyone. Most people will have that person they wish they kept or said things too before it was too late and regret it. It is just a beautiful song and I love it.

Worst Song – Turn Me On

Oh Jamesy boy what where you thinking with this song? It is just completely out of character for Blunt. Compared too all his emotive, beautiful song, this just sounds like the testosterone fueled whining of a prepubescent boy. Thats how bad it is. The chorus sums up how bad it is. “Why get complicated, you know you want to turn me on”. It is just not Blunt like at all. I do not know how much more I can say about it. The music is not James at all, the lyrics are terrible and it is just an awful song. End of.

Thank you for reading, and sorry it may have sucked. The cat has taken to running and sitting on my keyboard. How fun. Goodbye friends.

Game Review: White Knight Chronicles

Posted: March 16, 2012 in Games

Today I shall be reviewing White Knight Chronicles. One or two, doesn’t matter they are both the same, just an extended story throughout them. Which is a good thing, I enjoy sequels and all they have done is tweak it a bit to make it better. The features are the same just improved, which is good. Anyway, this game is the reason I brought a PS3, so onwards.

Gameplay 10/10

The gameplay in this game is amazing, simple as. The game is an Action RPG, so basically you see the enemies on the screen, run up to it and smack it upside the head until it dies. It is a good system, easy to avoid if you want to or you are too low on HP, and you can get a few easy hits in via ranged weapons. Also using this system other enemies can just randomly join in the fight, which makes it fun. There is also a “Bounty” system in place, pretty standard set up. kill some things, get rewards. Tried and tested system so don’t expect much. There are a lot of side quests as well. A lot of these involves running back and forth talking to people or finding things. Also some fighting quests as well. Another standard system. Leveling up takes two forms. The normal level up get better thing in RPGs, and also skill points. The skill points go into numerous weapon categories or magic styles. Each character can learn the majority of weapon styles and magic, but there is two barred on each character but yours. You get new skills, support skills and the like via the skill system. This is all well and good for the gameplay, something you would find in any RPG. Some of your characters get “Incoruptus”, something that I do not know the plural for. They are basically massive knights that you transform into and lay waste to everything. Which is nice and new-ish. You can also go online and quest with friends or randomers online. There is also a system for blogging as well in the game. I use it, it’s good for sharing with the community what you have done since you can include screenshots from in-game. The best bit in this game is the customisation. And this is customisation on a massive scale.







For starters, you get to make combinations to attack with from the skills you get from your skill points. So set up right you can attack and enemy, knock them to the air, jump after them, slash in mid-air and slam them to the group all in one move. It is incredible. That alone makes this game noteworthy. Next, the Knight. Your character gets one in WKC 2, and you get to decide what it looks like and what weapon it uses, them you transform into the Knight and maul the crap out of things, as I said before. Next up, the greatest customisation system in the world. Level-5 are the developers of this game. The creators of Dark Cloud, and the Georama system. If you play Dark Cloud you know how great that system is. They have implemented it in this game. For those who don’t know what Georama is, it is a system that lets you create your own village. That to me is incredible. You get to place stalls, houses, scenery .etc. and create a town of your own. You get benefits from doing this in-game. The villagers have skills, like mining and gathering, and when you visit after time you can find rare items. As you build up the town more your shops get more inventory you can buy, which I like. I am a boring person, and I love the technicality of the customisation system. It is just amazing. I can not put into words how cool it is. You go around in the main story and recruit people from the world into your town, which I thought was nice. Better than not knowing where you got the residents. Just in a word, magnificent.








Characters 4/10

The characters in this game did not impress me much if I am brutally honest. It is cool that you can make your own character. You pick what they look like via customisation, the standard face, hair, size, etc system. They then just follow the party around are largely ignored by the rest of the party. You are only spoke to about twice and then they forget you exist. The story is based around a character called Leonard, who basically sets out on a quest to rescue a princess and a kingdom. The Zelda effect. It is the cheesy puppy love crap you see in the movies, I do not like it. The other characters are just stock people, they did not stand out much to me. The mysterious teacher, the childhood friend and other junk like that. The story itself is sub par too, the party set off to save the princess and the land that comes under peril using a power some of your characters get. Some of the characters have some redeeming features, but it is all overshadowed to me by Leonard’s infatuation with the girl he only saw twice in his life. He is the most annoying main character since Shu in Blue Dragon.







Graphics 6/10

The graphics of this game is quite nice. A lot of effort went into the towns and landscapes such as fields and woods. It is beautifully crafted I find. The only bad thing is your avatar. No matter how you try to craft them they just look out-of-place next to the other characters. They are animated and constructed nice so next to you you look like a childs squiggle. That is the only thing that let’s this score down. It really annoys me.

Sound 6/10

Not much to say here. Nice sounds with all the monster cries when you see them. The background music is always nice, as well as the fighting sound effects. Nothing outstanding but it gets the job done.

Overall 6/10

Since this game is only good in the gameplay section for me this scores an average mark. No matter how great the gameplay is, its supporting cast and the way it looks and sounds lets it down. The creators of the game seems to focus too much on the Georama section of the game and just shoved a few cliques in to fill the gap. The fatal flaw with that sodding Leonard. He just grates me I think. It was a nice touch making your avatar not be the main character, but it would have been nice if the developers made them more relevent to the main story as opposed to just being the one you use online. That is another bad thing. It is not much of an RPG if there is no role-playing with your characters. All they got was basically just “Hello” from Leonard and then no one interacted with them. The gameplay is fantastic no doubt, so if you have a PS3 I recommend getting it, however buy WKC 2. It includes number one as well so it would be a waste just to buy one. Thank you for reading, I hope you like it.

Postless Day

Posted: March 15, 2012 in Miscellaneous

Today I will not be doing a big blog post. This is due to me being exhuasted and not being able to focus on what I am writing. I tried typing something on the topic I wanted to do, but I could not write properly. I have even stumbled over writing this tiny thing. I shall do my reviews tomorrow but today I am to sleep. Sorry people, goodbye.

Adverts Mark 2

Posted: March 14, 2012 in Life

I do not understand why people spend so much on Advertising. Was watching the TV before as per usual, and an advert came on for one of those magazines about celebrities and shit. The front page article was about Victoria Beckham beating postnatal depression I think. Anyway, the picture they choose had her in a bath with petals in it. I am sure that is completely relevent.

I don’t like how companies try to pander to people by using celebrities. It seems that companies think that us public people are morons, that if we see some celebrity endorsing things then people will just run out and by the thing. For example, Jamie Oliver supporting Sainsburys. Not only is that a stupid strategy by that supermarket, no-one likes Oliver the smug twat, he took our sweets from schools for what I can see is nothing. You still see fat kids around and none of the kids are getting any fitter or healthier, all he has done is piss them off. I don’t like him as a person either, he just gets on my nerves. Anyway, if someone likes him I doubt that they will swap supermarkets just to try to be like him or please him or have a one in a trillion chance to meet him or whatever companies think it does. Even if someone I loved, lets say Ross Noble, endorsed Sainsbury’s it would not do anything. I am a normal teenager, give or take a few idiosyncracies, and celebrities do nothing. I would not stop going to my supermarket to walk further to Sainsburys. All it would do is make me think lower of Noble. Celebrities who endorse things are mostly just greedy bastards. Only a small minority of celebrities actual use the product they endorse.

I dislike advertisements a lot. It is just a complete waste of money that do nothing. Car adverts are the worst. It just shows them driving, they hardly have any important information. they say the main point or new bits, but more often than not it is just saying “This car is good, it is va va voom and shicismed and lebombame” and other crap like that that has no meaning. One company just gave up completely and has the car there with an announcer saying “We would drive it but it would make it look messy”. What the fuck?! Seriously, that is just weak. I want to know the horsepower and the tank size, miles per gallon all that. I don’t give a fuck if it is “pretty”, I want to drive it not fuck it!!

Anyway, that is my view on advertising. I hate the damned practise of it. It is important, but it is just pure shite. Companies need to buck up and stop spending countless amounts of money hiring whorlebrities and just say what the thing is in adverts. I hope you agree, thank you.


Posted: March 13, 2012 in Life

I am terrible when it comes to social situations. Most likely because my time has been spent mostly in front of TVs or computer screen. I only know how to talk to fellow nerds since we are kin. By talk to, I mean start the conversation. If someone starts it then that is fine, I can carry a conversation relatively good. Give or take a few random outbursts to do with something weird, like cheese or something. I do not why. I lack an armory of icebreakers really.

Some people can just walk up to someone and start talking. I envy that to an extent. It would be good to do, but even if I could I doubt I would. It’s weird just going up to strangers and just starting a conversation if you know nothing about them. The fact I have any friends is a shock actually, I never approached any of them. On the bus on friday, the place I get many ideas, we were talking about icebreakers in general, and the most weirdest one that we could. Here is the weirdest one, about a man with a glass eye. It is also quite good.

So, a man looses his eye, I don’t care how he just has. He is a gambler, his main game being marbles. For some reason. He is running out of marbles so decides to play his eye instead, and losses that too. He gets an eye patch to cover it. Now, that would be one hell of a conversation starter wouldn’t it? Asking a guy why he has an eye patch, and it’s because he actually lost it in marbles. It is up there with “I have Anatidaephobia”. Ever since I found out that it exists I want to meet someone with that phobia. It is incredible. But anyway yes, that eye opener is a great icebreaker. Pardon the pun.

I would not go as far as taking my eye out to get a semi-interesting icebreaker to use on randomers I will never speak to, but I want something like that. Maybe a broken arm. I want to break something. I have done many a stupid thing in my life and I have never broken anything. It is extremely irritating, would make me slightly interesting. But alas, no broken bones sadly. So anyway yes, this is a post from an overly tired, overly worked Shaun. I tried. Thank you for reading, see ya.